Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


General Assembly

On October, 18th 2011, the General Assembly of a new school company égalité was held at school. The shareholders participation was required. Also able to participate Also the people without shares were allowed to take part in this Assembly.
The first point in our program was an opening and welcome by the president of the firm Patrícia Dorčáková and spokeperson Kristína Hanusová.
Next we continued with an approval of the General Assembly and the election of the authorities of the General Assembly.
The fourth point was the design and approval of a management, the fifth point was an approval of the draft tents. The program included the design and approval of a business plan and design and choice of the board of supervisors. Finally, we have completed the General Assembly by the debate.
The attendance was high.

text: Linda Pazourková, 4. A
photo: Ladislav Čajko

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Valné zhromaždenie

V utorok 18. októbra 2011 sa na našej škole konalo Valné zhromaždenie školskej spoločnosti égalité. Účasť akcionárov bola povinná. Taktiež sa mohli zúčastniť aj neakcionári.
Prvým bodom programu bolo otvorenie a privítanie prezidentkou školskej firmy Patríciou Dorčákovou a hovorkyňou Kristínou Hanusovou. Ďalej sme pokračovali schválením programu Valného zhromaždenia a voľbou orgánov Valného zhromaždenia.
Štvrtým bodom bolo návrh a schválenie vedenia š.s, piaty bol návrh a schválenie stanov š.s. V programe sa nachádzal aj návrh a schválenie podnikateľského plánu š.s a návrh a voľba dozornej rady š.s. Na záver sme valné zhromaždenie ukončili diskusiou.
Účasť bola vysoká.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk